Ivo Andrič citáty

Ivo Andrić, cyrilicí Иво Андрић byl jugoslávský prozaik, básník, esejista a diplomat, původem z  srbské rodiny z Bosny a Hercegoviny. Většinu svých děl psal v srbštině v ekavském nářečí. V roce 1961 získal Nobelovu cenu za literaturu.

✵ 9. říjen 1892 – 13. březen 1975  •  Další jména ایوو آندریچ
Ivo Andrič foto
Ivo Andrič: 34 citátů218 lajků

Ivo Andrič nejznámější citáty

Ivo Andrič: Citáty o životě

„Život je nepochopitelný zázrak, protože se sice stále opotřebovává a drolí, a přesto trvá a stojí pevně, jako most na Drině.“

—  Ivo Andrič

Zdroj: [Lukavec, Jan, Lipský knižní veletrh (2011; in LtN), iliteratura.cz, 2011-03-25, 2011-03-26, http://www.iliteratura.cz/Clanek/28063/lipsky-knizni-veletrh-2011-in-ltn]

Ivo Andrič citáty a výroky

Ivo Andrič: Citáty anglicky

“The people were divided into the persecuted and those who persecuted them. That wild beast, which lives in man and does not dare to show itself until the barriers of law and custom have been removed, was now set free. The signal was given, the barriers were down. As has so often happened in the history of man, permission was tacitly granted for acts of violence and plunder, even for murder, if they were carried out in the name of higher interests, according to established rules, and against a limited number of men of a particular type and belief. A man who saw clearly and with open eyes and was then living could see how this miracle took place and how the whole of a society could, in a single day, be transformed. In a few minutes the business quarter, based on centuries of tradition, was wiped out. It is true that there had always been concealed enmities and jealousies and religious intolerance, coarseness and cruelty, but there had also been courage and fellowship and a feeling for measure and order, which restrained all these instincts within the limits of the supportable and, in the end, calmed them down and submitted them to the general interest of life in common. Men who had been leaders in the commercial quarter for forty years vanished overnight as if they had all died suddenly, together with the habits, customs and institutions which they represented.”

—  Ivo Andrič, kniha The Bridge on the Drina

Zdroj: The Bridge on the Drina (1945), Ch. 22

“The bridge remained as if under sentence of death, but none the less still whole and untouched, between the two warring sides.”

—  Ivo Andrič, kniha The Bridge on the Drina

Zdroj: The Bridge on the Drina (1945), Ch. 23

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